RE:Blowout QuarterWe know about the disclosure issues on wilan deals but whats the deal with IRD & VIZ?
They are just as important to QTRH for stock price appreciation, yet there is very little news coming out on these companies? Very strange.
Even their respective websites are quite amateurish, especially the Investor sections.
I don't know if they lack the budget for this or they are just no good at it, but it has to change.
Example, the CEO of cdn small cap NexTech (NTAR) is everywhere, promoting non-stop. News releases/updates constantly. Many investors talking about it.
The website looks like amazing, like a large cap tech company.
You would think their sales are $100M+
Market cap is up to $160M, over $50M just in the last week!
Sales in their latest qtr..... $2.5M
Viziya sales last qtr..... $8.7M
Wilan very experienced in patent liscensing and are making the best of difficult legal circustances but when it comes to promoting their businesses?
it's like those two companies don't even exist.