RE:RE:RE:HypotheticalWhat is the big surprise here?
Potential new investors know that apple won't pay.
Not right away anyways (see virnetX).
They are going to take this all the way. QTRH knows this, investors know this.
We got the win, now Wilan moves on to the next target while they see this through.
Think of this judgement as a great multiplier.
One unexpected news day, we will get word (after apple exhausating all means), that Qtrh will now recieve the money + court costs + interest, etc.
What concerns me more is lack of transparancy on all other QTRH things, non-Wilan.
You can't wait till a Qtr report to fill public/investors in on what is going on.
Is the company current strategy still a go? Any updates? Hello, anybody home?
Nothing investors dislike more than uncertainty.
And even on the Qtr call, you get a few uninformed analysts who ask a few questions then it's dead news again till next qtr report..
Some here say a sale of the company is in the works?
i dont see the signs of this (lathargic trading price, no marketing, outdated investor presentaion, etc).
Its like putting a "ForSale" sign on your car without washing it first.
my opinion only