RE:RE:WellJohnney I got into aviation to fly for airline. It didn't happen that way but I managed to keep my passion and work and play in aeropsace. Lol I even own a textron airplane (cessna 172) but I would like bombardier to keep their aviation division and sell rail. I know about aviation more than rail. Most companies and countries can make trains but very few can make airplanes like Bombardier. Look at japan they can make bullet train but are struggling with Spacejet. Cessna cant get into big bizz jets. Heck even Dassult is just trying to get in. If bombardier stays in aviation then they can maintain the lead. If they go with rail then they will loose to cheap labour Chinese product or any other country trying to get in rail. Rail are usually bought by government for transit and they always go with low bidder. Low bidder hence cheap quality which is acceptable for trains. If it breaks you are stuck on rail. No one wants to buy cheap airplane and this is where bombardier has strength. Bombardier has expensive but quality airplanes. cheap labour and low tech cant beat it in aviation. Because of this bombardier aviation is worth alot and can be sold for premium but this will be short term gain for bombardier. Long run rail is not the future. Imagine if India or Brazil got into rail for thier local job creation and market. They can do it very easily. I think bombardier start talking of selling remainong a220 to AB and to push better deal they open dialogue with Alstom and with Textron. Why would they drop name like Hitachi for rail when they were talking to Alstom. Again this also gets the attention of QC government. I do think the goal of bombardier is to pressure QC to relax the cassie's deal and use all the rumors to get better deal on a220. Officials only selling of a220 has been mentioned rest are just talks with very little comment from bombardier. A better deal on selling a220 will not require to sell either specially if rail division gets relieve from cassies deal.