Monday thevfun begins TSX is closed Monday but Quebec is ipen for business so expect to hear more details. By Tuesday when market opens everyone will have a better idea of the deal. I am glad bizz aviation is not sold. And it doesn't matter how negative people will want to make this deal sound at the end this is very good deal. 7 billion is what has been thrown around as the offer. That 7 billion is coming to bombardier. Yes they have to pay for cassie's portion yes they have to account for legacy cost that bombardier might have to cover, yes pension liabilities which isnt as much as some made it to be. Bottom line is that 7 billion is coming to bombardier directly or indirectly by means of covering liability cost. So tell me how this is not very good news. This is 7 billion that bombardier did not have. Yes rail division is gone. Boo hoo. Who cares as i had mentioned that third world countries can make them. Let Siemens, Alstrom fight it off. Chinese will be big in China and maybe some part of Asia. India is becoming a big player soon. Remember the bid that bombardier lost to an Indian company. So china wont even get any Indian contact. Going forward the only cash burn will be on Global and Challenger product. Global ramp up cost and Challenger refresh. Learjet is done and they will produce the liberty as long as its profitable and from aftermarket. So the 9 billion debt will come down significantly and after CRJ and Belfast close we can see more spike. In 12-18 months bombardier sp could be 6-8 as by that time we will have few consecutive qts of positive cash flow. And as for family taking company private well until the rail sales closes its not going to happen.