Re re re what’s happening.Cheers to you. Thanks for replying. Id just like to see this stock going up a nickel, and hold. For a week. And it cant do that. Management could give it a push, but they dont. They want it low, and declining. Which screws up a lot of investors. They once said, Aurora will never hit 1 dollar US. How do they know that, unless this stock is being heavily manipulated. To bring stock price down. But not down to a buck a share. Auroras current stock price was forecast months ago. Part of theyre master plan. Like I said,anyone who bought Aurora in the last 10 months, is broke. Id like to know whos buying the shares now. Insiders? Employees of Aurora, This stock has probably cost North Americans billions, 15 plus. And made a tiny few a lot of money. Id just like to know, why Aurora went from 13 a share, to 1.80. And still going down. I