RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Q4 2020 - Judgement DaySeriously I think your missing the fact they have 80+ milliom shares, 34 mil MC, no way this is sold, no real value (Future) just pick it clean and maybe sell the carcus. I remembered when I bought Mega Brands at .54 and thought I got the bottom only to have it drop to .34 and they did a re structure with Warrants, but MB had won a court case against Lego, which had the effect, anyone could build blocks, so the win killed the moat and MB, even MAT could not save it after spending millions. TS would have to be more than a large boat anchor for a would be buyer and its not vertical scope because that in it self is a boat anchor that TS cant hold up, I would wait for the Financial engineers to come in, with Fairfax in here your going to have a lot more financial Instruments playing just before it sinks or floats with a moat imo