Ever noticeEver notice stocks open higher than previous close. That's what shorts sold the stock at. If you look after that, stock drops 10%. At least. Imagine, selling a stock for 1.20 at 5 million shares. 6 million dollars. Then buying it back for 1.00. 5 million. Have a million profit. Very easily with Aurora stock I might add. Now, go back 10 months, instead of buying 6 million, Buy 10 million at 12. sell at 11.60. 4 million profit. To end this quickly, now at 1.17. Check out the pattern. It's available on trading sites. At 1 time, Aurora traded a 9 dollars a share. Canopy at 35. Now Aurora is at 1, what's Canopy at? 4.? Same recession. Different management.