Getting late1.17 a share. A total complete joke. And it didnt slowly get there. It went straight down. Holy. Theyre plan to bring it up is a reverse split. Id like to know what brought it down. Sure as fk wasnt the other cannibus stocks. Canopy down 2.1 percent. Aurora down 15. Dow up 2.1. Aurora down 8.1. Canopy up 18.7, Aurora up 3. Day later, Canopy down 3.7, Aurora down 15.1. They should just say, were shorting this thing below .50. However, that would mean less profit for shorts, (Aurora). Its all done in percentages. Im a CGA. Executives will make money, before shareholders. Shareholders come last. If shareholders lose billions, and executives make billions. Thats the norm. Promote... execute. Then clean up. Bogus company. Fuc..g everyone over. Time will tell what happens next. If this continues, I have a friend that works for revenue Canada. She will never meet Nelson, but. His return, she will see.