Positive News in troubled Times In these troubled times, it is more important than ever to pause and take notice of what we have to be grateful for. Today I want to express my appreciation for our shareholders who, despite their own losses and hardships, see fit to hold and buy RepliCel shares in an exercise of faith in our value today and our potential tomorrow. I also want to express my gratitude for hard-working men and women who continue to contribute to our effort including those working on our dermal injector, speaking to investors, pursuing our patents, pushing forward our programs in Japan and China, ensuring our regulatory compliance, etc. A special note of thanks to the teams at AMI and AoT in Europe who, despite their own difficulties, the delays in production due to missing components from China, and our financial limitations, continue to do whatever they can to move us forward toward product completion, testing, and launch.
In this newsletter, you will see four recent press releases we want to ensure you had the opportunity to read. We are particularly proud of the data published recently from the clinical study of RCH-01 in Japan. We believe this represents a significant step forward for this product and our Company. While we do not yet have all the answers in terms of the product’s commercialization timeline, next steps in clinical investigation, or what the future holds in terms of our collaboration with Shiseido, we are encouraged by the fact that this program is actively continuing in Japan. Outside of Asia, RepliCel looks forward to laying plans for next-stage clinical trials using our dermal injector when ready.
While our offices are currently closed due to COVID-19, we continue to work from home and keep shareholder value top-of-mind every day.
Please stay healthy and be well.
- Lee