GREY:RNKLF - Post by User
Post by
owedmoneyon Mar 31, 2020 9:40am
Post# 30863546
COVID 19feeling very sorry for those affected by this mess. Fact is, the senior population in area where I live have been living like this from month to month, so this is the normal for them. Lost in this whole thing is the fact that indigenous people had canada shut down for a month before this came about. Didn't see the grand chief apologizing for his people contributing to the debt this will create. Not to mention lots of people have not recovered from 2008 and a double whammy coming their way. So . point is millenials who are watching, and who are the majority vote now, I would take a good look at the government in power and demand better lifestyle for their future. Living on 15 or 16 hundred a month, try it for awhile now, that is what your looking forward to. Country needs to be managed more like a business, no money being made when projects are cancelled or interfered with by a few when the majority would benefit by competing in the real world. Let this be a preview of how you will live at the end of your career, our seniors been doing it since retirement and it is a real shame.