AGM June 25 - Should Proxy and Info Circ in late May April 20, 2020
To: All Canadian Securities Regulatory Authorities
Dear Sirs: Re: Prairie Provident Resources Inc.
ISIN: CA73965Q1028
CUSIP: 73965Q 10 2 Annual General Meeting
We are pleased to confirm the details of the upcoming meeting of shareholders for Prairie Provident Resources Inc.:
Issuer: Prairie Provident Resources Inc.
Type of Meeting: Annual General Meeting
Meeting Date: June 25, 2020
Record Date for Notice and voting: May 15, 2020 V
oting securities: Common Shares
Issuer sending materials directly to NOBO: Yes
Issuer to pay for delivery of materials to OBO: Yes
Stratification: Yes
NoticeandAccess for Registered shareholders: No
NoticeandAccess for Beneficial shareholders: Yes
We are filing this in compliance with National Instrument 54101, in our capacity as the Agent for Prairie Provident Resources Inc..
Yours truly,
“MIguel Lahud” Miguel Lahud Senior Trust Officer, Client Services