gradesAnyone else worried about grades? Back in March I was beating the drum about ROS and another poster suggested that the grade "was not that stellar" He further advised that he would keep this one, ROS, on the watch list for a while. Ouch-ROS closed at 14 that day. We are adding ounces steadily in a known gold producing area-economies of scale should make any discovery exponentially more valuable-the infrastructure is already there. Perhaps the best news, short term anyway, is that we will not suffer the yearly pause in driling that is a feature of exploration in West Africa. I woud like to thank the management team for the smooth execution. Newbie gold investors probably have no appreciation of how much can go wrong on a project like this and how lucky we have been. Mind you, in Mr Isnors defense at Merrex it seems that there are four senior people fufilling the role at ROS that he played at MXI-he did a pretty decent job as a one man band!