Biggest fupDo a 12 to 1 split to attract investors. Stock stayed put at a buck, for a few weeks. Then the 12 to 1 to attract investors. What happens... down again. No fucn news. Anything. And then we hear.... we like to hear investors out put. Some may disagree what were doing. Yeah what... dropping 93% in a year. Every ones broke. 12-1 split. Then dropping the fking price again. Those that bought in at 12 a share are excited. I only lost 110 thousand. After the split. I only lost anther 5 thousand. If this company is so fuc.ed. Go bankrupt. Otherwise your stealing money from investors, who work hard for theyre money. 12~1 only helps shorts. What the fuc. Keeps this company running. Chance to short. And cash in. This stock has fall to do with profit, this stock has to do with manipulation. See what we get out of investors. Sales up, stock down. If sales were up, in this declining stock, 95 % down in a year. Why the Fock are you waiting for financials to report anything. Just say... after the split, gives us more chances to short. And, of course, we care about our shareholders.