Shorting gold stocks in a rising gold environmentas a recipe for disaster, even with a stumbling company like GG. I recall in 2016 there was another short and smear campain and the company caught the short sellers with their pants down when they implemented a rights offering at a huge discount to market... Once done the short sellers were cleaning thier shorts as they scrambled and covered at much higher costs... I love the tactics GG used back then... This time no such tactics are necessary since the rising price of gold will force the short-sighted short sellers to covery thus allowng the price to rise even more... IMHO - most short selling of late is being done by those with 5 cent warratns that expire this coming summer. Once the warratns expire there will be clear selling.
Who knows - with all the M&A in the sector, and the fact these shares are widely held GG is also quite vulnerable...
Good Luck to all Longs!