Drilling Highlights. So undervalued here! Drilling highlights for 100% owned Eastmain Mine:
Keep in mind, market cap just 11.7 Million net of all shares currently raised. Cash position nearly $6 Million. Drills coming very soon!
Location: Within Existing Permitted Mine (No drilling highlights mined out)
13.2m - 53.3 g/t AU
8.78m - 79.4 g/t AU
4.88m - 40.7 g/t AU
4.40m - 23.1 g/t AU
4.12m - 32.6 g/t AU
9.50m - 12.2 g/t AU
10.0m - 7.27 g/t AU
7.00m - 12.9 g/t AU
Expansion Targets (Not within existing permitted mine lease, but on trend)
(14km long, 400m wide mine trend)
Drilling Highlights:
(Nearly 2000m North of mine site)
10.5m - 42.4 g/t AU (Inc. 2m - 219 g/t AU) From Surface!!!
9.30m - 21.1 g/t AU + 25.7 g/t AG + 1.05% CU (25m Undercut of hole above)
15.9m - 10.6 g/t AU + 20.1 g/t AG + 1.24% CU (15m Undercut of hole above)
10.0m - 7.78 g/t AU + 13.6 g/t AG + 0.53% CU (25m Undercut of hole above)
Previous owners drilled the JULIEN discovery in very few follow up holes. I believe they needed to drill South/East/East. Towards the MEG discovery. Where just two holes drilled 25m away from each other found:
1.05m - 80.61 g/t AU
2.50m - 39.25 g/t AU
Draw a line from the MEG discovery to the JULIEN discovery. I believe this area is a new bonanaza grade vms lens . The distance is roughly 500m apart. A very large area if those JULIEN/MEG grades exist with regularity..
The previous owner used AI to drill target the expansion holes on JULIEN, not traditional geoscience. The targeting to me in no way covered the ground bewtween the MEG and the JULIEN discoery and focused more on mine trend strike, then lens strike. This despite strong channelling results west and east of JULIEN that exposed a VMS on surface. But has seen almost no drilling follow up.
I think some smart humans are about to test theories like this, at Eastmain Mine. With nearly 6 million in the bank. We will see 50+ holes of results this summer. Any of which can come up with bonanza grades.
Bonazna grades, that the market is rabidly fiending over right now.
Anyways. Hope this highlights summary helped anyone reading!
Really looking forward to next week. Can't contain it!!