I dont own this stock, and have posted only once here before. I "advise" for other people who do own this, and have a depth of experience in scenarios such as this one, having been a broker at RBC for 30 years.This comment is completely impartial. This stock is predominantly held by retail investors, due in no small part to its very nature. Retail is prone to overreact in both directions. Retail is skittish, largely due to the fact that most don't understand the science here, so it follows that most don't really know what they own. The only facts I can recite are that management does understand the science, Antibe's chances of being bought out just went up exponentially, and pure emotion is at play here. People are selling thinking it will be forever till there's more news. The market, on the other hand, will soon turn its attention to the company's vastly increased attractiveness to a major. Much of the legwork has been done, and licensing risks have just been greatly reduced The stock will respond accordingly.