SUMKNDV1DERFL wrote: SoCalcalm wrote: Good morning all longs. Thanks for your questions and most of them right on point. I will put them in order of importance and be ready when Dr. Sen calls. I will report back to all of you when this happens. It could be today it could be a week or two. But I'm certain it will happen. Best regards to all longs. S
Excellent networking SoCal. Great questions everyone.
Just a comment and small additions to Chuck’s list. Among other topics, I am curious as to how they will move forward without an HC licence to process cannabis.
My questions are:
Does the transition involving the sale of THR with HC licensing move $PR into a position of simply licensing the APP process?
Just to clarify, by APP licensing, I am referring to allowing LP’s to self process cannabis and produce their own batches of Infuz20 and BNO utilizing the APP method within their privately licenced facilities.
If so, would $PR be supplying/selling the re-agents and manufacturing them from the Scarborough facility?
If leasing/selling licensing for the APP and providing the re-agents is the direction $PR is taking, will this be a long or short term strategy and will there be any considerations leading $PR to eventually produce beverages and edibles of their own? IE: Trade marks Lift/Hover.
If so, is there a time line for this new strategy/plan of business?
If Dr Sen could pls provide details on the MH JV. IE:
More specifically, obstacles they have encountered and the obstacles that remain. Are the obstacles/challenges that remain realistically attainable given the current position of $PR to move forward and establish a partnership within a reasonable time frame. If so, what is the strategy going forward with regards to MH(Licence APP as mentioned above) and time lines to finalize a deal.
Has $PR received any further interests from other companies regarding the sale of APP, Infuz20, and or BNO?
Is Dr Sen entertaining the possibilities of selling/buying $PR out right?
As per previously posted questions:
What is the strategy for tackling the debts due in October?
Where does Dr Sen anticipate this new translational strategy will lead $PR and what does he envision for $PR in the short and long term?
What is the status of finalizing any parts of the patent and or its entirety?
What additions, if any, have been added to the patent?
Can and or will $PR move forward in a patent pending status?
Thanks again SoCal,