Will the Hedge Fund Shorters Please Stand Up Please Stand UpThe last poster on this board...was it Humourist??...kinda somewhat massaged the words in the post to fit their agenda it seems! The statement on the LegaL Action in question also states that it was filed on many of the Largest Canadian Cannabis Companies and is NOT Certified and Does Not Particularize the claims against Organigram.
Like the proverbial Ambulance Chasers, this sounds like a page ripped outta the United States where opportunistic plaintiff lawyers will try and seize on a decline in share price and try and make some money. Same Bat Sh!t, Same Bat Time! The case in Canada, well ask the judge in Nova Scotia about that one. Organigram just raised $49 Million and is going onwards and upwards from here!........And Humorist, thanks for the plug with the Trailer Park Boys eh ;)....HTH