Correct me if I’m wrong2 years ago, Auroras share price was at 16 dollars a share, to months later down (shorted) to 5. Then miraculously back up to 15. Insider trading? Obviously. Make your own decision. Then..12 to .70 cents. Had to be a pre split. How can you short .70 cents without putting a company out of business. This stock isn't made on merrit, it made on how much they can make of shareholders. They should defend themselves. Tell shareholders, why it went from 12 dollars a share to .70. But they can't. For legal reasons. Or, what's the forecast for the next year? Up 20%, then down 30% quickly. Then up....; you know where this is going. I can just see it, Auroras sales up 170 %, shares go to 22 a share, less that 2 pre split, then back down again. This is just my opinion. Look at the charts.