Prospective Bombardier debt approximately 9.3 billion. Cost of c series development approximately 7 billion, cost and write off for Learjet 85 1.4 billion. If these 2 were not given go ahead then bombardier would have spent money to keep CRJ/Q400 and all rail defects at minimum. And have much much lower debt. Now we have CDQP holding bombardier by its balls on the rail side and to get rid of them is to give CDQP bigger balls to squeeze. Thank you Alstom. 4.2 billion from sale of rail will not wipe out the losses from c series and learjet but it will help reducing debt and get CDQP off. CDQP was the only one to loan bombardier money and they got bombardier by the balls. Sale of rail is only way out of CDQP squeeze and massive debt.