THUNDER VALLEY There are speedways - race tracks that go round + round, and every which way....
Then...there are drag strips..which is an.entirely different sort of, racing.
Someone already coined the large anomaly or, structure - Bristol...
Were they thinking of the Bristol race track, or...
Famous - Thunder Valley, Drag Strip - wink.
Should...the Bristol Zone on this map - be the main focal point ?
A ..600+m drag strip with potentiallly more gold ?
Drilling it out with a few deep verticasls just might - provide that answer.
Now... take that oh so important hole - SM 19 006
A hole that reveal hold around the 300m level at the Bristol
and use rhis as the primary guide that inspires one ot drill the Bristol
Then...go through all the other drill holes that pierced the....Bristol
These other holes - can add to the over all picture when using the pitch angle of drill hole
It will provide a preliminary value of - how many lenses there are with current drills at different angle depths....
Hence - revamping the map - plot each dril lhole
use colored lines that show the - gold hits crossing into or through the Bristol
plotting the azimuth angle of each hole with visuals
there are severa ldrill holes that, intersected gold - when passing int oor through the Bristol
These values can tell a miner if the formation is with vertical, mineralized lenses
On the flip - drilling vertical holes will tell the miner if the - lenses - are in sheet formation...
Or.. .it could be a case is dispersed broad and wide - sporadically - if the Bristol isa
formation of hydrothermal that solidified - trapping gold - throughout at various depths.
If the Bristol has a sheer agle going on - one could also determine which side the gold dropped out... creating high grades on the inside pitch going down -
BMK - should take a few days in office
Work on the Bristol
If severas lof the drill holes entered the Bristol at different azmuth - depths
They might be able to paint a better picture of the Bristols - internal structures ...
If SM 19 006 reveas gold at the 300m level
Then... just maybe - there's enough evidence from the other holes entering the Bristol
that would encourage BMK to focus solely on the Bristol -
Now.. .what ever you do....
Try not to think of all the work put int othe other zones outside of the Bristol...
Try not to cringe when thinking about - the Bristol's - 300m level gold hits...
Even the gold that bleeds into the Brecca.
Just ideas...
Nothing more... Nothing less.