RE:HumilityBombardier family has lost more then all investors on this board combined. There is nothing for them to be humble about. They will try to make there money one way or another and they dont care about us.
joeman wrote: So yes most of us here have lost a lot of money on Bombardier, except for a few. It would be so nice if the management/leadership at Bombardier, aka Pierre Beaudoin would be humble enough to lead by example, take a pay cut reflective of these very harsh times, a massive pay cut until such time that large remuneration is appropriate. Steve Jobs worked famously for 1$, Elon Musk comes to mind. These are true leaders. We desperately need even a glimmer of humility comming from the leadership at Bombardier. Is this too much to ask? I mean, c'mon, the share price is 43 cents, this is really really embarassing, how can one in their right mind justify such outrageous compensation given the current circumstances!? I mean it looks really really bad to everyone. How is it that the entourage is so weak-kneed to not even stand up and tell these people that they've got some serious nerve to brandish and flaunt. Does not anything embarass these people? Do they have absolutely no sense of responsibility and leadership?
I'm not even criticising the rest, sure Bombardier has made the world a better place and brought amazing new products to the world like the CSeries and Globals and amazing Trains. It was hard to predict that such an amazing successful design as the CSeries would come against such furious anti-trust competition however right now is the time to show leadership.
We all expect better from the board. It breaks my heart to see the behavior and attitude from the front office right now. Thank you to all the hard working people at Bombardier, please talk to your bosses and their bosses bosses, this has to stop.