moral compass....questionable if they have oneWe already tried Harding and that did not work. We already tried
InCoR and that did not work. The table has been set to do the same old thing again and it will not work. What is the definition of insanity? That is right, doing the same thing over again and expecting different results.
The only and I mean only reason we will be back in bed with InCoR is because Harding gets his hands on the money to pay himself first, and it is hundreds of thousands of dollars, not tens. Read the financials.
You ask what is the alternative? There are still other deals on the table much friendlier to shareholders and are in line how with real mining business deals are done with reasonable responsible people, not bottom feeders and people that lack a moral compass. This is the big BUT, the other deals are structured so the new money coming in goes into the ground. Not paying off Harder and estates that never earned it in the first place. Harder refuses to look at these offers before and again now. We got taken by BB and Family and we are now going to get the same all over again. A wolf in sheep's clothing and don't think otherwise.
I think the Golden Minerals is dead. They took their $150,000 option and will pass. It was not the properties they are passing on but the continuation of miss management and all the future headaches that go with it. Too many other deals with people they can trust to move on with.
Harder tried to appoint himself CEO but was stopped by someone with a moral compass. His shares were accumulated years ago with the bulk of them coming from his sisters estate, in other words for free. His goal is to raid the company bank account to recoup his funds that he originally invested, not run up the stock price. Look at SMY, these guys do not know how to run up a stock. They have zero connections with Howe or Bay Street. Any current up ticks in stock price is coming from friends and sympathizers and judging from the volume there is a serious lack of conviction.
Remember we are in a huge bull gold market and if InCoR or the likes (just look at V-SMY and see what InCoR has done for them!) is the best we can do then the people that have just self appointed themselves have either know clue what they are doing or have other self interests at heart. Bet on the latter two Moral compass! What moral compass.
Look it I am all for the stock going higher but I never bought this thing to break even or take a little lose. With the quality of properties we own this stock should be much higher but we as shareholders and even strategic partners resign to accept moral and financial corruption. This just plays into the hands of the BB's and Harding. Therefore they know it and play into our complacency. If we accept this then we have nobody but ourselves to blame with the outcome which is only going to be a continuation of the same behaviour, shareholders will get fried, again. Do you really want to support this?