The Case for twins: Navilawa-Vatakoula Regarding the new presentation, I would have to rate it a 6 on a 10 scale, goosed up some because slide nine includes a little more about Vatakoula/Emperor which imo, is Exhibit A in the prima facie case in regards to backing and buying into Lion One.
(1. a case in which the evidence produced is sufficient to enable a decision or verdict to be made).
The presentation is OK but could be much longer, informative and more detailed. I don’t believe would be share holders have such a short attention span, that they wouldn’t want to look at a more in depth version.
I went to our website to see about directing people to good, older, presentations but, low and behold, now you can only access ones from 2020. Not only that, but there is a black banner above the 2020’s that says ‘ Lion One Metals Presentation Sept 2019’
I’ve done some website building and SEO work,,, enough to be critical, and there’s a lot not to like about ours. One metric of sites, is the speed at which they load. Lion’s loads OK…. It’s not a fast website or a slow one, so I would have to call the site halffast. What’s particularly halffast is their mobile webpage. Sites need to be set up for phones/tablets differently than desktops to work well but it looks like they used the same format for both. Anyway, I may be putting up a rant/post on some things I think they should do to elevate it.
In one of my conversations with Berukoff, he said he never reads the boards which wasn’t surprising to me, but it was disappointing . (you wouldn’t want to see what other owners of the company are talking about, W?) There are LIO people that do read them, though, (shout out to our good PR guys, Joe and Hamish !), so I have hopes of constructive change.
Back to exhibit A, the historic 11 million oz, Vatakoula comparison.
The correlations between it and Navilawa are extremely numerous and telling.
There is a link below to an abstract that I had edited (for the sake of us non-Geos), that I posted on SH in May 2015, right before the PEA. Years later LIO referenced the unedited paper on the website but now I can’t find it there. (without editing it’s a geo-slog anyway). The post contains a ‘partial’ list. of the twin evidense.
Much more is known now than when the paper was written about all of the evidenced similarities between the ‘twins’, such as last week’s gold core; which is huge in that regards!.
For instance:
( Exhibit A.2) Crazy grades:…
Emperor found 2000g/t ore. For LION, neither the 1,300 g/pt from last week, nor LIO’s previous 1,600 g/t beats the emperor, ,,but give LION a little time……
…...If not before, then when we’re mining down at the bottom of ‘Quinton’s ramp’. (….ndale……eh?)
BTW, If you’re bored and/or are obsessed with finding everything you can about the LIO situation (like me), you can type on the name of the poster and it will bring up old posts of theirs. The process is a little clunky. The newer and older buttons work to bring up other posters.. You would need to separate the wheat from the chaff, ( I have plenty of the latter), since SH took away their 5 star ratings. (it amazes me the vast amount of bull---t hat these companies keep somewhere). Be forewarned that I may be posting a couple more oldies.
Knowledge is power