timeline and some of the grades *Kudos for Wally for the many dozens of meetings with the Fji Government and local leaders and the excellent relationships that followed to this day.
*Feb 2014 Environmental assessment from Fiji allowed go ahead.
*May 2014: 21 year Surface lease agreement with Fiji’s land trust board
*Sept 2014 Mine planning. Processing plant and geotechnical studies started.
*March 2015 Big day…approval of mining lease
*May 2015 another big day: Lion One Announces Robust Preliminary Economic Assessment for High Grade Gold Operation
*Summer 2015: there was talk of starting to mine and stockpile 1st quarter 2016. Those shareholders around from back then can wax poetic on their feelings about that not happening. A year or two later, WB said in an interview ‘that he likes his gold in the ground’ which might ‘splain a few things’. Having a mine starting up may actually have speeded up LION getting the rest of the caldera. It would have been cold to have the Newmont or Newcrest guys giving us a wave from the road we rebuilt as they sped up north past our mining. (at least one major was in pursuit of the concessions).
Oh well as neksav has said: all forgiven now.
In the mean time since 2011 they’ve had drill programs.
Grades…exhibit C
TUDDH-347: intersected 3.78 m @ 16.15 g/t gold from 122 to 125.77 m (including 0.09 m @ 248 g/t gold)
TUDDH-348: intersected 7.49 m @ 23.03 g/t gold from 155.05 to 162.54 m (including 0.11 m @ 855 g/t gold)
TUDDH-349: intersected 11.9 m @ 11.77 g/t gold from 128.55 to 140 m 2013
Hole ID Interval From Lode
TUDDH 341 2.32 m @ 62.81 g/t Au Snake lode
TUDDH 350 2.55 m @ 22.56 g/t Au Murau 2 lode
and 1.39 m @ 10.56 g/t Au Murau 2
and 3.66 m @ 15.68 g/t Au Murau 1
TUDDH 356 3.59 m @ 15.43 g/t Au Snake
TUDDH 347 3.78 m @ 16.15 g/t Au
TUDDH 348 7.49 m @ 23.03 g/t Au
TUDDH 349 11.90 m @ 11.77 g/t Au
TUDDH-359 3.11m 14.31g/t
TUDDH-365 13.81m 7.07g/t
UDDH-364 6.43m 12.74g/t
including 4.39m 18.34g/t
TUDDH 364 6.43m 12.74g/t Snake
TUDDH 365 13.81m 7.08g/t Murau 1
TUDDH 371 9.95m 14.28g/t
TUDDH 371 1.09m 38.38g/t
TUDDH 373 7.13m 8.46g/t
Some historic results from west Tuvatu
Hole ID Interval (m) Grade (g/t Au) From (m depth)
TUDDH 228 3.54 29.17
TUDDH 223 3.05 16.95
TUDDH 227 2.70 21.85
TURC 205 4.00 10.39
TURC 204 15.00 6.58
TURC 174 9.00 43.22
Tuddh 406 71.41 g/t Au over 8.41 meters from infill drill hole TUDDH 406, including 126.67 g/t Au over 4.56 meters, drilled from surface to a vertical depth of 92 meters. !!
Tuddh 407 4.05 12.32
Tuddh 408 0.30 76.60g/t
also 2.55m 13.95g/t
Tuddh409 6.77m 7.83g/t
includes 3.92m 12.54g/t
Tuddh410 2.42m 24.07g/t
Tuddh412 1.39m 16.06g/t
Tuddh419 9.07m 13.52g/t
TUDDH 429 3.05m 6.49g/t URW3
+ 1.45m 26.02g/t URW1
TUDDH 431 3.55m 12.09g/t URW3
New 3 km long HT zone discovered with a different type of ore than the rest.! Surface to 82 meters..more drills!
TUDDH 442 3.66m 1.74g/t
and 2.77m 85.42g/t
and 2.57m 3.66g/t
and 3.22m 6.83g/t
TUDDH 448 0.80 8.27
+ 0.77m 4.08g/t
+ 0.43 6.48
+ 5.27 2.54
TUDDH 449 3.50m 6.00g/t
TUDDH 458 1.20m 10.17g/t
Tuddh459 3.90m 9.55g/t
TUDDH 461 3.40m 23.24g/t
Oct 2017 at HT Zone !
11 meters averaging 9.1g/t gold from 80.8 meters including: 5.2 meters averaging 15.3g/t gold
4.8 meters averaging 20.3g/t gold from 21.5 meters including:1.8 meters averaging 51.8g/t gold
4.5 meters averaging 7.1g/t gold from 214.5 meters including:
1.8 meters averaging 15.0g/t gold
Lately---the deeps.