Amazing.....All pot stocks down 1-2 percent today. Except Aurora. Down or oops shorted again almost 1 %. I guess new CEO news dropped the price. If Ontario opened 3000 more totes, Aurora would still short they're stock. Totally amazing. Village Farms acquire a new Company for under 50 million. Stock soars 11 percent. Aurora acquires a new CEO. Stock drops, or.... shorted 11 percent. Amazing. PR.... zilch. Appears like they're shorting this stock strategically. The 12- split is an indicator. Otherwise this is a penny stock. Presplit, worthless. It I amazing, new CEO finally, mega stores openin in Ontario,and this stock keep dropping like there is no tomorrow. Insider trading, insider shorting, very obvious. Looking for a partner, duhhh. An experienced shorting partner. Without pr experience. If you look at other marijuana stocks, they're all doing well. Auror..... Look at the charts. No promo. New CEO. Shorted 11 percent. A buy???? Lol. Buyer beware.