everyone needs to calm down
it's not fair to call out opt or others on thier positivity.. as well there is no call for shorts to pat yourself on the back and assume you knew how the market would react all along. nobody knows shtt till its announced.. go back re read comments in q3 report as well as new launches of products.. hiway..sugarleaf.. we have made great progress and are on track.. there is pressure right now with new shares flooding the market.. apparently they are not holding out for higher prices. some are willing to just take what cash they can.. why I dont know. I'll hold my position and accumulate at these prices until q1 reported.. then make my decision to hold further or partially liquidate.. but at these fire sale prices I will continue to buy. I got 3 orders fri and will transfer some more cash mon to take advantage of this opprotunity.. again its q1 b4 i will make any desision to sell any... nobody knows anything until there is announcements on q4 and q1. it's a couple months I'll hold and buy until then.. and I don't have to prove my orders to anyone.. b4 that's said.. show me your finances I'll then show you mine.. the panic the grandstanding both needs to stop.. it is what it is until ..there is the next two quarterly reports. do your own due diligence.. jmho cheers.. have a good weekend . stay safe.. cheers