Management is in this to winManagement is solid and way heavily invested. Paul is an all-rounder who knows how to get the job done. Imagine what's going through his mind as he watches tens of millions of his stake fluctuating (talk about being motivated to keep your eye on the prize...)? Be cool. Air / environmental quality was already a big issue and major market opportunity before covid. So many pharmas pivoted way out of their areas of expertise to try and profit from covid without a clue. Here is a tech device based on Kontrol's existing IP and hardware. Not every potential jurisdiction/customer has to love it or want it (political) for the opportunity to be gigantic (in the real world customers have to be 'sold' remember!). The commercialized product will help in the fight. Don't ever forget all small companies with real value propositions start somewhere. Only the winners get glorified -- such is hindsight... Major exchanges come next. For now, longs who believe in Kontrol keep supporting it here and hang on for the ride!