As showing below filings for the past 6 months Insiders have not been buying any stock as some of you on this board keep reporting it. *YES* major cancellation of options @ $ 2.42 to possibly apply for the same @ a lower price  .50 /.75 cents as they do not expext the stock to get to that $2.42 level so soon.

The company has money, good management doing their best, but difficulty assembling qualified work force due to the Chinese Virus that is spreading like wildfire in South America. ( Correct me if I am wrong).

In the mean time they will apply for cheaper stock options for the insiders .50 /.60 cents and continue working in recovering from the Chinese Virus.

It's all about fundamentals, we may have to wait for awhile before that expected robust day, in the mean time I will be buying more on the pullbacks, .45 / .50. 

I am not knocking the company or anyone, only bringing things into perspective. best of luck and good safe weekend.