sometimes just when you think nothing can go can get blindsided. We live in perilous times. As we know after the last election many socialist leaders including Hillary and Obama kept telling the left to "Rise Up", which they obviously did! Now indications are that if Trump feels that he has been cheated out of the election, he will tell the right to "Rise Up". I believe he has almost all police and military on his side, + many others. Many are locked and loaded and just waiting for the first spark! Many believe in freedom and liberty and hate Marxism and socialism and will not go down easy. Could this be the next "black swan" that crashes the markets? In Canada the socialist government is totally out of control, useing covid as an excuse to spend $BILLIONS buying votes and promoting their dead end, broken agenda. As the health care system buckles, they bring in seniors from foreign lands who are past productive years and will be nothing but a burden. Like all socialist countries, the only people who are better off is the leadership, all elses standard of living goes down the toilet. As we get closer to the US election, will the herd start panic selling? Would this be a good time to be sitting on cash and physical gold?