SALES WILL CURE ALL AILSLeadership is extremely smart and very adept at a number of key skills/discplines. Look at the track record of the team's leadership and what they have managed to do with the speed of BioCloud development.
They seem to be showing some areas of less capability (perhaps due ot inexperience?) with managing investor expectations because this 'play' is arguably much much bigger than anything they've attempted before. Also, Biocloud is very much a business-to-consumer marketing effort whether they like it or not, or whether they are obvioulsy more experienced with B2B in their core business activities.
Insitiutional buyers are as everyone correctly points out, very fickle because motivations are "complex" (let's not dissect it further here...). Without knowing what's going on behind the scenes, from the outside it appears that at this point, perhaps to whom the first sale(s) are made to is perhaps less imporant than just getting the product out there, establishing proof-of-concept, and so confirming to the market/investors too that things remain firmly to plan and "on track".