RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Here’s an idea!InvestABCs, I was not trying to entertain you, or to "trigger and get a rise". I was merely politely replying to your post about Mindmed. I am not really sure why you think it is acceptable to refer to a seasoned and profesional investor as "son" or "chump". Or why you are making what I can only presume are disgusting allusions to oral sex? Truly disgusting. Amazing that you have the nerve to say that my "level of wit is subpar" when apparently your idea of wit are references to oral sex that are more suited for a prison yard, and repeatly using the phrase "donkeeeeee beech". I don't even know what that means as I don't speak ghetto nor do I care to learn. I can only assume that your sudden, unwarrated and indecent rancor towards me is because I didn't enthusiastically join your bashing of Mindmed (which is up 23% today). Although I did say that I thought the valuation had gotten quite rich at $2.00 and that I just sold my position. I made a healthy 5 figure sum in Mindmed in the last 30 days. But I am sure that is a trifling amount to a person of your investing acumen. A mere bauble for an investing titan like you. I can tell simply by your robust command of language that you are a regular John D. Rockefeller.
You close your post with, "Rookie bashers coming to play, you know what that means...zoom zoom goes the bus". Aside from the illogical nature of that statement, (clearly a "rookie basher" has no causal effect on the stock price, nor is there even a loose correlation) I don't see anyone on this board bashing this stock on this board, myself included. It is certainly riddled with pumpers, but I don't see any bashers. In fact, going through the board the only negative comments I have seen about Red Holland actually come from you. But you probably don't even remember your negative posts, as you are clearly ruled by emotions, have the memory of a goldfish, and are no friend to manners or logic.