Others have thrown their hat in the ringbut Cannabix keeps on going! Has the Hound still got a yip or two in it? What about Lifeloc who got government funds to develop a thc breathalyzer. I remember Lifeloc hitting $37.50 when they came up with a BAC breathalyzer and anybody that follows thc breathalyzer hopefuls knows this is a lot more difficult to do THC than alcohol. Spitalyzers aren't going to pass muster for dna collection or recent detection. Cannabix knows what is needed and already have Mass Spectrometry Technology that works. They have even mentioned a desktop model that works. Getting this device smaller and friendlier for all kinds of weather conditions and for less than scientific minds is the biggest hurdle. Necessity is the mother of invention and more and more marijuana legal use is taking hold in the world for both rec and pharma use and road safety is a primary driver of concern. Nobody wants their loved ones killed or maimed by a stoned driver and law abiding people are finding medical relief for many afflicitions with cannabinoids and might discount the seriousness of using pot and operating cars or heavy machinery. It looks like Cannabix is ready for scrutiny for their device so bring it on. Lifeloc who seem to have dropped out of the THC race still seem to hold their value at the 2-3 dollar range on their BAC breathalyzer. Dare to dream. glta and dyodd