RE:RE:Bought my lottery ticket... Short answer: Cash out TFSA, transfer gains into RRSP, following year take tax return from RRSP and put into TFSA. :D
Serious note: It Depends what your doing with the sold funds, if your currently in retirement or close to retirement, and your income tax bracket. I highly suggest speaking to an accountant as they will cater a plan specifically to your own situation. I will state my advice to give you more ideas of what to discuss with an accountant.
Pros and cons of each account if spending the cash:
TFSA: No Income tax and can replenish the account. Explained further: Cash taken out of a TFSA can be re-contributed to the TFSA in the following year, but only up to the full contribution amount of that year. Allow me to clarify this, if you cash out $150,000 out of your TFSA in 2021 and your contribution room total in 2022 is only $72,000, then you can only put back $72,000 in 2022.
RRSP: Taxed at which ever income tax bracket you are at. Cannot re-contribute funds taken out.
If reinvesting funds then arrange your accounts so that your TFSA makes the most money, as you won't have to pay income tax on the gains. If cashing out to diversify and expecting to make lower gains on something else, but hold confidence of having more diversification, then perhaps go with the RRSP.
Again, this is only my interpretation so I highly suggest seeing an accountant as they are up to date with all the changing rules and will cater a plan to your personal situation and your personal insight on your invested companies. Hope this helps. Good luck.