RE:Buyback Saved by the bell. 12,500/day gives the ability to exceed the share count max of 2.9M. At current prices it's well under the $5M range -- we are only going to clock in at $3.1M at current pricing. However, as we know, pricing is likely to rise rather dramatically.
I was worried we'd get sandbagged by low share counts. Using the avg of 50k isn't ideal but it is ulikely to be the limiting factor, I think that will be the $5M spend. 12,500 shares * 253 trading days at current price is already $4.8M.
Anyway, good job Jordan and Ken. Unlike the guys like Canfor (buy back like maniacs at $30+; crickets chirp <$10) they can make a major dent in the share count at the absolute bottom while it's rising. So win-win.
And I whine about a div from time to time, but if I have ~100k shares and they're tossing $19,125/day at buy backs, that's sort of like giving me $40/day. Works out to over $10k a year, which ins't bad for us who averaged down. Or took a brutal realized loss in March and got back in the ring. It's like the Randy Marsh (Southpark) meme in that goes "I didn't hear no bell".