Way undervalued! Tomagold current market cap $9.8 million dollars.
Cash : $750 thousand dollars
IAMGOLD shares :
1464377 at 4.65 = 6.8 million dollars.
Pacton shares :
1450000 at $1.06 = $1.55 million dollars
Total cash and shares = 9.1 million dollars.
Pretty much we are trading at cash and shares equivalent.
What about our properties?
TomaGold has interests in seven gold properties near the Chibougamau mining camp in northern Quebec: Monster Lake, Winchester, Lac l'eau jaune, Monster Lake East, Monster Lake West, Obalski and Lac Doda. It also holds a 24.5% interest in the Baird property near the Red Lake mining camp in Ontario, and has a 70% interest in the Hazeur property, at the southern edge of the Monster Lake group of properties