I'm Surprised.... .....that many others here haven't stated anything/something in regards to what they were told from writing into CNC. Mark, and the company, have been more than upfront and transparent.
Below is part of an email I received upon my written "concerns" about the metallurgy report's delay, as timing is/can be everything in the markets. I wrote to CNC an hour after reading their news release update, which I found to be appreciated of them for keeping the shareholders in the loop.
I am glad to see that CNC, while they are steamrolling along within the Crawford property, that they are doing so without throwing professionalism to the wayside.
We had arranged with one of the labs to do two locked cycle tests - one on November 28-29 and the other on November 30 - December 1. The results from the first test would be available end day Friday and the second tests results on Monday. Based on what we had seen in the open cycle work, I was comfortable with what we would expect from the locked cycle tets. The lab had suggested merging two of the processing streams to simplify their work in the lab cycle test and ensure all of the work could be completed last week.
Given what we had seen, I was confident that at least one, if not both tests, would provide good, valid results which is why I was confident at the start of last week, that we would have results by today.
We got the first lab results over the weekend and second results yesterday afternoon - unfortunately, their "simplification" ended up impacting the results which made them invalid.