Great deal by Beaty once again
I love this deal for a large number of reasons, not the least of which is virtually no premium and a paper deal. The fundamentals and value of assets being acquire are excellent, just look at NPV based on legit gold price. Cost to build will place no strain on EQX balance sheet but will likely delay the dividend I was looking for but I expect not too long. People are wondering why the share price pressure, it is simple a couple firms see an arb opportunity and a chance to shake the small investors and free up cheap shares for no cost to themselves maybe short term profit but positioning for longer term serious upside potential. As always small investors get shook up and shaken out from not understanding how these deals work in short term. I am mega long EQX and not a seller for a long time yet but have really can't add more given the large size of my exposure meaning if I was richer I would be a buyer for sure right now. Historically buying when Beaty buys makes you serious money, this time will be no different.