RE:RE:ranting of short sellers it's not just 90%, it's utilities and taxes paid, it's 75% wage subsidy for employees who do work. I was told by some guy on Twitter claiming to own a Swiss chalet that he is still making profit.
dining room closed, automatically gets 90% rent. He is still doing 50% of sales volumne through takeout and delivery. His staff wages are being sibsidEd by 75%. Says it really hasn't been that bad which is why you have have a ton of business owners freaking out.
if you can keep some sales, you will survive and even make some profit.
I know your concerned about gyms, but GoodLife abd La Fitness sink millions into leasehold imoremvemebts such as pools and saunas etc. If they don't pay, they loose everything.
personally I think everyone is overreacting. We have 3-4 months left of this BS.
tge "uK" strain is about the 5 time we have had this panic situation. Thier was the China vs euro strain, the Spain strain , mink strian, the Austin Texas strain, the South Africa strain and now the UK strain which is likely everywhere because only a few countries do sequencing of the viruses.
every virus mutates and tries to become more infectious but also attenutes. The Spanish flu, h1n1 etc they are ALL still circulating but are harmless now.
thenewsnake wrote: 90% of rent may not be enough for some businesses to keep things going. Especially when they see poor sales for the forseable future. Espeically gyms/yoga studios and restaurants , why stay open to break even or bleed cash? The reality 10-25% will close their doors permanently as a result of these NEVER-ENDING LOCKDOWNS