Dr. Shaf Keshavjee's Vision is being achieved through many strategic and coordinated efforts.  SQI was welcomed to the club a couple years ago and given Shaf's blessing we have much to be proud of and to contribute.  

Organ health and repair, procurement, transportation, transplantation, treatment, assessment/scoring, patient selection, organ repair centers.....all things Dr. Keshavjee has been focused on for years.          

Dr Keshavjee is Chief Scientific Officer and founding partner of Perfusix Canada Inc, Perfusix USA Inc, and XOR Labs Toronto; he is a consultant to Lung Bioengineering and United Therapeutics; and has received research support from XVIVO Perfusion , United Therapeutics , and CSL Behring 

Human organ repair centers: Fact or fiction? - JTCVS Openwww.jtcvsopen.org › article › fulltext