Leede Jones Pain in the A*SAbout 2 weeks ago or so I saw three big fish selling. The end of last week and this week there was only one big fish selling. So far I haven’t seen anything from 2 of them which is Persian Securities and RBC Capital. My wildest guess is that the two are waiting for a half decent price to unload or else are they are done selling. I won’t know this till the share price goes up in value.
So the major fish or the thorn in our a*s is Leede Jones. They didn’t do any selling on Monday but they were back Tuesday and today.
Here’s the history on Leede Jones. The first time I noticed Leede was about a week or so ago. The price was $3.4. They did manage to unload lots. Then they lost patient and sold @ $3.30. Today they were selling at the open for $3.20 and then at the close for $3.15. As you can see they are losing patients. My guess is that they are going to keep it up until they sell everything they have.
Financing - Warrants. You have to be an idiot to sell to just hold the warrants. Somebody said sell the shares now and hold the warrant which cost you nothing to hold them. Bad idea. The warrants are only in the money when they trade at $4.11. So if they do hit $4.11 then you have a 1 cent capital gain after you exercises them. If you held your share then you would have $1.01 cent capital gain.
Warrants - I haven’t seen any major selling from the underwriter companies. If they wanted to move their shares from the underwriters to other institutions then they could in fact trade them secretly. I doubt that they would do this but you never know. Usually a good way to hide insider selling is to gift them to their wife or friend and then sell them.
Bottom line is that until Leede Jones is done selling or has patient then the shares are going nowhere but down. There still could be 2 big fish waiting in the wings for a half decent price to sell. They should wait for drill results and then they could get the volume to support the price. On theother hand if the drill results are not good then I guess they are probably smart to sell now.