AION ALL PAST POSTERS GO TO THE FRONT OF THE CLASS!MNB gave ya all a thumbs up!! Nice, bb here hey Rize?? Everybody taking their best positions, before the FOMO comes here.
I can still add here. I was actually gunna shake the tree a little bit today hahaha
GME was halted yesterday........ wallstreet lifting that halt so it can trade again today!! fuking wallstreet you are crooks!
First time IN ALL HISTORY the SHORTS pockets get hurt and the regulators step in. omg!!!
FUK SHYTE fuk shyte the little guy has so been manipulated out of his money for DECADES.
The corrupt shyte that goes on with penny stocks is even more need of attention than attending to the BIG CRY BABIES who finally for ONCE they got the shyte end of the stick.
They say oh we should feel this is pension money, seniors money.
Ya well too fuking bad....DO THOSE ole blue hair ladies KNOW, brokers USE their money to steal money from the college kids???
That is like us staying ignorant to the fact that Malaysia workers, making our protective gloves are in slavery conditions for our demand.
Countless hours chained to their machines only taking short breaks to rest on concrete floor and pi$$ in pails in the corner of factories. Truth!
Is it okay for us to continue buying from companies that enslave workers to work in horrific conditions, just for our own protection???
And by the way......WHY is Canada incapable of making gloves at an affordable price??
Stupid rubber gloves for medical protection shipped all the way from Malaysia during a pandemic!! omg kk brag about our millions spent on our useless space program achievements ...sheesh that will help us all now!! fuk!!
End the Rick Mercer rant on....... time TO GET EVEN...... do not get mad...and that is exactly what the reddit and Robinhood gang did and the big boys are crying and squawking like little girls.
How many complaints to regulators for DECADES from the layman, have been sent and ZERO BUPCAS response from regulators??
SHORTS and naked shorting.......... NEED REGULATIONs and LIMITATIONS!!!!
MAYBE just maybe they will finally DO SOMETHING for future generations!!
Shorting is UNFAIR LEVEL PLAYING FIELD!!! ....yup all with moneynorthbound expressions of capital letters!! ahahaha
drop the mic!
OH SHOULD be a greeeen day today across the market!!