Permit when?.... Monday? Tuesday...Next month? The permitting process in the DR has the Exploitation Permit preceed the EIR and then the Exploitation Concession is granted, or gold out of the ground.
Since the Ministry of Energy and Mines is advocating a consortium of agencys and professionals to oversea the factuality of the EIR process it is assured that one of two things are happening.
1.They are changing their mining law to force companies to undergo the time and expense of an EIR study with no garranty of being able to dig even if they have a "Negative Impact Declaration".
There is already an environmental plan in place within the Mill site plan and it is very thurough. Not an EIR but damn close.....! It will obviously be reviewed by this "consortium".
2. Or this....↓
We will be getting the permit and the Dominican Republic will reap the rewards for generations to come.