Fuel for the short squeeze
Friday on the PBS news hour Fauchi was very clear that he expects vaccination to allow for stadum re-opening to happen this summer.
PATs new team has narrowed the sales focus to stadiums and casinos with an existing security/surveilance/health and saftey compliance budget that isnt getting them what they want with crrent offerings. Enter the new motivated hungry PAT sales team.
The MSG is up riunning and sellable.
CMR is real and it works the company will confirm this with anyone who asks. Is it the all seeing eye we hoped for? no. Is it integrated into MSG? yes. Did it take far too long.... it sure did. Is the product CMR .... no it hasnt been for some time its MSG.
We have turned the corner and the new path forward is strong.
Washington lobbying ddnt pay off. The new strategy to focus and target cutomers that will install, use and pay without long lead times and government red tape makes sense to me. Lets GO!
The stooges of plymoth rock will continue to gaslight you if you let them. Do your own DD. get in touch with the co, read and get informed.
I like the idea of putting the short squeeze on the trolls monday. I'll buy 500
Its a new chapter at PAT and we are at rock bottom share value witha runway of cash and a CEO motivated and capable of sales. Our product is unique and fitts a need. Only up from here IMO.