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Gatekeeper Systems Inc V.GSI

Alternate Symbol(s):  GKPRF

Gatekeeper Systems Inc. is a Canada-based provider of intelligent video and data solutions designed to provide a safer transportation environment for children, passengers, and public safety personnel on multiple transportation modes. It uses artificial intelligence, video analytics, and mobile data collectors to inter-connect public transportation assets within a smart city ecosystem. Its platform-as-a-service business model is centered around wirelessly enabled mobile data collectors which forms the foundation of its data company evolution. It engineers, manufactures and distributes high-definition mobile video and data solutions for a range of markets including school districts, law enforcement, public transit authorities, as well as the United States military. Its video management and video analytics software may be used in mobile or desktop applications for managing video evidence of incidents. Its solutions include Purchek, Business Intelligence, CartControl and CartManager Ultra.

TSXV:GSI - Post by User

Post by retiredcfon Feb 03, 2021 6:42am
Post# 32455911


AssessmentQ: What are your thoughts on Gatekeeper's last quarter and their trajectory lately; it has come down a little and is trading sideways a bit. There is always talk of cuts to school and public transportation budgets that will inevitably impact the company. But I liked the fundamentals and growth when I first purchased and still do. Is it starting to turn negative or just a bump in the road? 

A: As a small company up 343% in a year there is going to be some inherent volatility. There has not been negative news and recent contracts bode well for continued growth. Recent financial results were also very solid so we consider things to be pretty much fine here.

So said 5iResearch yesterday. GLTA 
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