Barvue valueI just bought more shares of DV(Dolly Varden Silver) today only because i couldn't convince
myself to buy more of Abcourt due to 90% of my holdings are already in ABI.
Dv has a Mcap of $93m with 40m oz of silver in the ground.
Compared to Abcourt Barvue (+ Vendome) that has close to 20m oz of silver and 480m pound of zinc.
At todays price Dv mineral has a value of $1b in the ground.
Barvue + Vendome has a value of $500m zinc and $500m silver in the ground.= $1b
I haven't checked if DV has any infrastructure of value(but i think it hasn't been in production for
50 years.
Barvue has buildings, part of a mill,most permit, a tailing pond.
All of Abcourt has a Mcap of $52m and Elder or SG or Discovery,Flordin are worth way more
than the $52m Macp each.
So no value is added for Barvue .
If invertors start analyzing the value of any of Abcourt projects the share price could easily
multiply by 4 .
All without having an increase in price of gold , silver, zinc.
Let's keep dreaming (sometimes dreams do realize).