Is this a tell? The DBros filed their usual Form 45-102F1 on Feb. 04, 2021...
BUT - still no sales
And - the Scarlet Arachnid is stinging the Board.
Why are they holding off???
And why is SS back with his heiroglyhics and runes?
Is their a relationship between them and the angel number 376?
"Angel number 376 is a sign of inner willpower. The guardian spirits are sending you a message assuring you that you can do anything you set your mind on doing. ... Angel number 376 shows that your willpower will give you the energy and strength to push on no matter how many times you do not succeed."
What can it all mean?
Buy, Sell, Hide in a bunker in Greenland???
Form 45-102F1
Notice of Intention to Distribute Securities under Section 2.8 of
NI 45-102 Resale of Securities
Reporting issuer
1. Name of reporting issuer: NexOptic Technologies Corp. (the "Company")
Selling security holder
2. Your name: 3DB Inc. (Beneficially owned directly or indirectly by Darcy Daugela and
John Daugela) ("3DB")
3. The offices or positions you hold in the reporting issuer: None
4. Are you selling securities as a lender, pledgee, mortgagee or other encumbrancer? No
5. Number and class of securities of the reporting issuer you beneficially own: 36,624,262
Common Shares of the Company and 1,702,637 warrants convertible into Common
Shares of the Company
6. Number and class of securities you propose to sell:
Up to 1,000,000 common shares to sell subject to the restrictions specified in section 3.1 of the
voting support agreement entered into by the Company, 3DB, Darcy Daugela and John Daugela
effective May 15, 2020 (the "Support Agreement").
For quick reference, the "Support Agreement" under section 3.1(e) specifies share sales are
permitted “on any Trading Day, the Securityholder may sell, through the facilities of the
Exchange, no more than such number of the Securityholder's Securities as does not exceed the
lesser of 25,000 or 10% of the aggregate trading volume on the Exchange on the immediately
preceding Trading Day”. There are also provisions permitting limited dispositions including:
block trades; share transfers with restrictions to organizations owned by Darcy Daugela or John
Daugela, and to some registered plans for related parties; and NexOptic board approved