unifying diverse assets in health careI love this company as a health care entity that is becoming diverse by so many metrics. Upon researchig Hamed's cv and simply listening to him speak, I've been an investor since mid 2019 - I bought a bold amount then, and have been adding all along as my faith in managment has proven to be well founded.
For those with a concern that you may be extending yourself too far in this company, have faith that you are actually investing in a health care in a broader sense, sort of like it's own ETF. As Well Health is extending it's reach beyond borders and strives to improve patient health outcomes through better interoperability, investing in this simply makes sense, particularly when managament is doing so through highly selective aquistions.
You didn't miss the boat if you haven't invested yet, as this company is growing and taking shape before our eyes. Think about what this managament team can do with new capital that is surely coming down the future pipeline. The future is bright and solid - health care isn't going anywhere.