Tweet BlowbackIf Sirona doesn't release some news soon they are just going to be completed torched every time they tweet. They are already getting slammed on Twitter so if they don't deliver soon it is just going to get uglier and uglier..... and rightly so. If Howard comes out and says they can't announce anything again because the company they are dealing won't let them I think every investors head will explode.... and we should then vote his buttocks out of the CEO chair at AGM.
Micha Molzberger
Feb 9
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Hard to money without product
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Yeah, you are starting to look like Peter, the one with the wolf syndrome, I’m afraid the day you finally come out with a product , nobody listens anymore.
Peter Germershausen
Feb 9
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So we need some deals and partnerships for our component. Flexed biceps
Feb 9
And a product. Until then everything is just bla bla bla
K Clifford
Feb 9
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Hangry for 1067? Rodan and Fields will be the first place to go for this product, we all can’t wait, really.
Feb 9
What if they never use it?
K Clifford
Well if that was the case, Sirona would tell us. But I think we are in good hands here.
Yeah, sure they would.
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„As a sirona shareholder, u wouldn’t believe how many messages I read on forums about other frustrated shareholder of this company“
Feb 9
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Such a huge market, and yet we can't sign any buyers except Rodan and Fields, who seem to have no interest in selling it? Is there a problem with 1067?
John Knig
Feb 9
Guten Tag , warum hat denn ein Pharmaunternehmen die jetzige klinische Studie zum Hautaufheller TF-1067 untersttzt ?
Bestimmt nicht aus Nchstenliebe sondern weil es vermutlich Interesse an diesem Hautaufheller hat.Smiling face with sunglasses
Feb 9
We can only hope. I have been hoping for years.