RE:RE:All the talk taking place before tomorrow’s financialsThey have to right size the company for sure. Maybe we will hear more about the new Facility for Global assembly plant at YYZ. Gulfstream has all there facilities in Savanah. Bombardier has Toronto, Montreal and Wichita. Having multiple sites adds cost and complexity but also gives flexibility and competition between each site to keep costs down. Either way there might be further consolidation.
OGGambler wrote: I think most of us realize that there are probably more layoffs to come, possibly tomorrow. Its very unfortunate for those who will lose their job. I've been saying for years that all this interest being paid by BBD was the equivalent of 10,000 jobs, nobody - family, QC, Ottawa, etc - did anything to address it - in fact QC and its affiliates made it worse. At the same time, many shareholders lost a lot of money yet the company's debt and interest ratios are still out of whack. They have to raise EBITDA and lower debt. And the easiest way to raise EBITDA is to rationalize the operations ie let people go. And its easier to raise EBITDA than to lower debt when your share price is 67 cents. For me, shareholders are blameless here as we lost most of our original investment. Ask yourself please, who benefited from les "deboires" of Bombardier. It wasn't us shareholders. Its 4 letters on the crossword puzzle. Pousse mais pousse egal.